HTML a Tag | What is href in HTML?

HTML a Tag - Anchor Tag

HTML a tag is also known as anchor tag. It defines a hyperlink that links one page to another. The href HTML attribute is used to give the reference (Path) of the page or document to be linked.

The <a> tag is a paired tag with </a> tag as a closing tag. Whatever is written between these two tags will feature as a hyperlink on the webpage.

The href attribute in HTML is used in a tag to give the path or other webpage. The full form of href is Hypertext REFerence. In simple word you just have to paste the url of the webpage in href, that you want to link.

Example: <a href="">Visit</a>



HTML Target Attribute

HTML target attribute is used to specify the place in the browser where the linked document should be opened. For example, whether the user wants to open the link in new tab, new window, or in the same tag. The tag attribute has different values for all these different locations.

The target attribute can have one of the following values:

 Value Description
 target="_blank" Opens the linked document in new window or tab
  target="_self" Opens the linked document in the same window/tab. This is the default value.
 target="_parent" Opens the linked document in the parent frame
 target="_top" Opens the linked document in the full body of the window.
 target="_framename" Opens the linked document in named frame.

Example with target attribute

images can also work as a Hyperlink. It means you can add an image with a link attached to it. It is done by adding <img> tag within a tag. The href attribute will have the location of the linked webpage. When the user clicks on the image, he gets redirect to the attached link. It is different from the conventional linking of text with a url.